
As an exclusive executive assistant specializing in remote services for CEOs and Leaders across the US, I offer a tailored approach to support your needs effectively. My unique tiers are designed to elevate your productivity and efficiency.

With attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, I am dedicated to enhancing your work dynamics and ensuring seamless operations. Let my expertise be the driving force behind your success.

Our Mission

To empower leaders with precision-driven support that eliminates the trivial, prioritizes human ingenuity, and transforms the journey toward success.

Meet the Founder

Originally from Great Britain, I've journeyed across continents to master the art of executive support. My path led me to Los Angeles, where I immersed myself in the dynamic world of business innovation before finding my base in Portland, Oregon. With this rich, diverse background, I founded Vanguard Executive Assistants to bridge the gap between vision and precision.

Driven by a passion for helping leaders streamline their daily routines and clear their path to success, I offer versatile and modern solutions designed to tackle disorganization and time management head-on. Familiar with a wide range of software, hardware, and modern concepts, I bring unparalleled expertise to every challenge. My mastery of AI automation and digital tools empowers big thinkers, idea creators, and visionaries to conquer chaos and focus on what matters most.

But it's not just about technology—it's about understanding your unique needs and providing strategic guidance that makes a real impact. I don’t just offer executive support; I provide clarity, insight, and unwavering commitment to helping you achieve your vision. By staying ahead of technological trends and consistently refining my approach, I ensure that my clients receive innovative and precise solutions tailored to their goals.

Tom Moore, CEO Founder

Vanguard Executive Assistants

Why Choose Vanguard Executive Assistants?

At Vanguard Executive Assistants, we understand the unique challenges faced by CEOs and entrepreneurs. Our mission is to help you rediscover your original vision and achieve unparalleled success by providing exceptional executive support tailored to your specific needs.

Personalized Approach

Every client is unique, and so are their needs. We start with a comprehensive 1:1 consultation to understand your goals, challenges, and workflow. This personalized approach ensures that we deliver solutions that are perfectly aligned with your vision and business objectives.

Flexible Service Tiers

Whether you need basic support or comprehensive management, we offer three flexible service tiers—Premium, Elite, and Revolutionary—designed to meet varying demands. Each tier provides a suite of services aimed at simplifying your life and maximizing your productivity.

Expert Support

With years of experience in executive assistance, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Our dedicated team is skilled in optimizing schedules, managing communications, coordinating meetings, and much more. We handle the details so you can focus on what truly matters.

AI-Driven Insights

In our Revolutionary tier, we leverage cutting-edge AI technology to provide data-driven insights and trend analysis. This advanced service helps you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions that propel your business forward.

Proven Strategies

Our methodical process involves setting clear KPIs and implementing proven strategies to enhance your productivity and efficiency. We continuously monitor progress and adjust our approach to ensure that you are always on the path to success.

Commitment to Excellence

Our commitment to excellence is unwavering. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail, reliability, and the high-quality service we provide to every client. Your success is our top priority, and we go above and beyond to ensure you achieve your goals.

Choose Vanguard Executive Assistants and experience the difference that dedicated, personalized support can make in your professional journey. Let us help you clear the path to your vision and achieve the success you deserve.

We harness the latest tools in automated task management

Disclaimer: Vanguard Executive Assistants is not affiliated with Zapier, Make.com, Monday.com, Calendly, or OpenAI. We use these technologies independently to provide tailored, precision-driven support for our clients.


What sets Vanguard Executive Assistants apart?

Vanguard Executive Assistants stands out due to our founder's diverse global experience and mastery of modern concepts, software, hardware, and AI automation. We offer precision-driven, tailored support designed to empower visionaries and leaders to conquer chaos and focus on what matters most.

How familiar is the founder with AI automation and modern technology?

Our founder is proficient in a wide range of AI-driven tools, software, and hardware, consistently staying ahead of technological trends. This ensures you receive innovative, effective solutions that prioritize human ingenuity and maximize productivity.

What services can I expect from Vanguard Executive Assistants?

We specialize in seamless calendar management, strategic email triage, precise timekeeping, meeting and travel coordination, and AI-driven insights to streamline your workflow and unlock clarity in achieving your goals.

How does Vanguard tailor its services to fit my unique needs?

We start by understanding your vision, challenges, and goals. Then, we design a personalized strategy that aligns with your objectives, providing unwavering support through our versatile and modern solutions.

Are your services suitable for smaller businesses or startups?

Absolutely! Whether you're a visionary founder, CEO, or leader of a growing startup, our services are customized to fit your business size, objectives, and workflow needs.

What is the process to get started?

Simply book a free initial consultation through our appointment page. We'll discuss your goals, challenges, and desired outcomes, and tailor a support package that aligns perfectly with your needs.

Where are you currently based, and do you offer remote support?

We are currently based in Portland, OR, but provide comprehensive remote executive support to clients worldwide.

How soon can I expect results from working with you?

Results often depend on your specific needs and goals, but many clients see immediate improvements in workflow efficiency and focus within the first few weeks.